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NFA Fall/Winter Online Series: Sparking a Sense of Discovery in Your Playing

Laura presents “Sparking a Sense of Discovery in Your Playing” as part of the National Flute Association’s Fall/Winter Online Series.

Laura explores the idea of discovery as learners and performers, sharing some ideas, exercises, and guided questions.  By being  curious and aware of what we are doing as we are doing it, we take on an active role, creating space for reflection, asking questions as part of the learning process, and seeking out solutions to problems. We are open to what we might find, with awareness and perception heightened in the moment. Most importantly, bringing an air of discovery to our practice can help lead us to an increased  understanding about our flutist-selves and our playing. 

December 7

Momentum: music for flute & flute and electronics

February 7

Visit to Millersville University